Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Straight-Line Distances

Good Wednesday evening, everyone! I seem to be a bit behind on posting recent class assignments but on Monday, the class was asked to calculate the straight-line distances from one point to several other points. This was accomplished using ArcGIS Desktop 10.1 and the Point Distance Tool. Simple enough, right? Using this tool, I was able to calculate the straight line distance from my house to several horse farms in Western Massachusetts.

Below is the map that I've created for this assignment.

I also created the same map with a grey background to better see the location of the points in Western Ma. You can choose which you find more appealing.

An important thing to keep in mind when looking at this map is that these are straight-line distances...that is, it is the distance "as the crow flies" as the saying goes. This is not the same as driving distance, which in reality is longer than a straight line distance. Nonetheless, I hope you enjoy it!!

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