Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Solar Wind Farm

For class this week, we were asked to do a site selection analysis for a Solar Village (wind farm) project on two different towns using three specific criteria:

1) The site had to have a slope angle of 20 degrees or less
2) The slope of the site had to have a southerly aspect (135 to 225 degrees)
3) The wind speed at 30m had to be above 5 m per second.

The towns that I did my analysis on were Adams and Peru, both in Massachusetts.

Below is the map of the two towns side by side showing the suitable parcels.

Also, you can see these suitable parcels on ArcGIS online by clicking here. 
Or see below

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Below is a quick map of the suitable parcels of Adams, Massachusetts.

You can also click here to download the KMZ file for Adams, Massachusetts, and open it with Google Earth.

Below is a quick map of the suitable parcels of Peru, Massachusetts

You can also click here to download the KMZ file for Peru, Massachusetts, and open it with Google Earth.


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